Have questions? Please see below
When is the RSVP deadline?
April 01, 2023
How do I make payments?
Contact Sabras Travel at 347-672-6890
How often are payments due?
Monthly payments are recommended.
When is the final payment due?
May 01, 2023
Can name changes be made?
Yes, name changes can be made for free up until the final payment. However, name changes can still be made after the final payment for a fee.
Are children allowed to attend the wedding?
The wedding is adults only, besides the participating kids. Please take advantage of the Cruise's free camp (ages 3-12 Splash Academy 13-17 Entourage Program).
Will I have enoungh time to experience Bermuda?
Yes, the wedding festivities will be concluding around 3pm. The Ship will be docked in Bermuda until the next day 5pm.
Do I have to be vaccinated to attend ?
As of now, no.