Jessica & Kyle
Jessica & Kyle

Wedding Party



Maid of Honor

Maya is my daughter and has been one of my best friends for over 26 years! She keeps me updated on all of the current trends, music, and anything Taylor Swift related! She has been there to help me with every aspect of the wedding, including telling me when the dresses I pick out are ugly or the invitations I pick out are for old people. She keeps me young.
Turree (Terri)

Turree (Terri)


Turree and I have been friends for 20 years! We share a love for food, good bands, road trips and adrenaline! Whether it be riding on crotch rockets, jumping out of airplanes, or cruising around the Caribbean, we always have the best time together!



Jenny and I have been friends for over 26 years! We worked together at K-mart when I was 17. She taught me how to drive on 30 when I was younger and how to kayak when I got older. Although we live 4 hours away from each other now, we still try to meet every year to go kayaking. She is definitely the keeper of all of my teenage secrets!



Chelsea is Maya's daughter and our granddaughter. She is 8 years old and wants to be a possum. She loves coming over to Mimi and Papa's house to play or go swimming in the summer.


Ring Bearer

Aaron (Wade)

Aaron (Wade)

Best Man

Kyle and Wade have been friends for 28 years. Whenever Kyle tells me stories from growing up, Wade is almost always in there somewhere! I have heard MANY CRAZY stories and I am sure over the years I will hear many more!



Dillon is Kyle’s younger brother. His sense of adventure is inspiring! From attending music festivals, to kayaking, to camping, to hiking the Appalachian Trails, he is always up for something new! I can’t wait for us to take our first roadtrip together!



Dusty is Kyle’s older brother.