Natalia & Brandon
Natalia & Brandon

We're getting married!

Natalia Hardesty
Brandon Hatch

March 6th 2024
St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands
74 Days Ago

Our Story


Natalia and myself first met while working at the same manufacturing company in different departments, she was in Production, and I was in Supply Chain. We were introduced through mutual coworkers, but never had much interaction in the first 3 months besides the obligatory passing “hellos” and “good mornings”.

Around 4 months after we both joined the company a position in Supply Chain opened, working right beside me. My Manager and Mentor at the time decided to hire from within and after a week of interviews he selected Natalia to fill in the position due to her desire to learn a new discipline, grow and better herself.   

From then forward, Natalia and I worked side by side and formed a strong friendship through our mutual trials, tribulations, and mentorship. Over the course of several years, we became closer and closer friends, spending our weekdays working side by side and growing both professionally and personally together.

During work we’d spend time bouncing ideas off each other, getting lunch at the brewery across the street, and lamenting over management's newest directives. After work we’d end up watching Blazers games, exploring Portland, and going kayaking or hiking.


Finally, after several years of working together and building our friendship, our relationship elevated to the next level and we started formally dating, much to managements surprise. To turn such an easygoing and fun friendship into a relationship felt like a natural progression that neither of us ever expected in the years prior.


Since then, I’ve come to love Natalia and Elliss as if I’ve known them my whole life, and most recently we created an addition to our family in the form of our beautiful baby Olivia. I feel blessed every day I wake up knowing that I have a beautiful family with a bright future ahead.