Enjoli & Paul
Enjoli & Paul

We're getting Married!

Enjoli Murria
Paul Lake

September 1st 2023
Royal Naval Dockyard Bermuda
510 Days Ago

When they say don’t look for love because it’ll find you..That is definitely their story. Paul was single and ready to mingle, being a Bachelor, while Enjoli was finishing up her Hot Girl Summer and getting ready for Flygirl Fall. God had a different plan for them tho. Paul and Enjoli found each other while online dating, even though they walked pass one another everyday while working in the same Facility for a year. While they both had their minds made up to never date anyone else on the job, they both told each other they did “Security” as a profession, not knowing they both were working for DOC lol. It’s funny how you can walk pass a person every day not knowing that could be you’re soulmate. After getting pass that, they then began talking about their families and he told her about his children. Initially she was hesitant because she didn’t have any of her own yet, but then still told herself to see where this goes. It was his smile for her! On his birthday and their first date, she took him to celebrate in Atlantic City and they literally never separated since. I guess they fell for each other… REAL BAD!