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Norwegian Cruise Line - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
Wedding Party
Rachel Hale

Abi and Rachel met during middle school through a mutual friend. They became close friends in high school during photography class. They bonded over countless cups of coffee, hundreds of concerts and local band shows, many late night shenanigans, and several heartbreaks. No matter how far they have lived from eachother, (Maine, Florida, and California) nothing has come between their several hour phone calls. Thank goodness for unlimited long distance minutes!

Meghan Carpenter

Abi and Meghan have been friends since birth. They spent much of their childhood playing outside in some shape or fashion, whether it was flashlight tag in the Carpenter's orchard or swimming in the Dreher's pool. Seldom did a weekend pass that didn't see them together. After Abi moved to Indiana, they kept in touch and bonded over their love of punk rock and boys that wore girl pants. Now that they are both back in California they make it a point to get into shenanigans together when they can.